
Most of the side effects are limited to HGH injections. HGH sprays or HGH supplements are considered to be milder forms of the product, and hence, are not associated with any adverse side effects. However, the indiscriminate use of any of the HGH product is linked to severe side effects and can result in complications.

As a person ages, the hormonal levels in the body tend to fall. Clinical evidence and research studies suggest that HGH levels fall after the third decade of life at the rate of 14% per decade, so that, by the age of eighty years, a person produces only a fraction of the hormone produced during childhood. This information is based on a study conducted by Dr. Klatz of the American Academy of Anti Aging Medicine, which indicated that the prime cause of aging was a fall in production of Growth Hormone. As per the study, by the age of 80 years, the production of HGH is barely enough to allow rebuilding of muscles and tissues.

A human body comprises of several trillion cells, which are involved in various biological processes at any given point in time. Hormones act as chemical mediators and messengers that coordinate and integrate the various activities of the various cells. Human Growth Hormone is the master hormone in the human body, which controls, supervises and regulates the production, secretion and functioning of other hormones in the body.

We know that hair growth is regulated by hormones and metabolism, so anything that affects hormones and metabolism affects hair loss. In the same way, HGH can also affect hair loss and may have the possibility of halting the hair growth process. However, by examining in detail the nature of HGH, we now know that HGH is not harmful for your hair and there are several reasons behind this.

Physician-Supervised Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Physician-Supervised Hormone Replacement Therapy Increased media coverage of sports and athletes has led to confusion among the general public about the difference between hormone replacement therapy and anabolic steroids. Many young athletes illegally use synthetic male anabolic steroids to enhance their physical stamina for better athletic performance. This is done without […]

Reverse the Negative Effects of Aging with Sermorelin Acetate Therapy Sermorelin – Sermorelin Acetate Therapy aims to cause the pituitary gland to increase growth hormone production in humans. Moreover, Core Medical Group provides physician-supervised, adult Sermorelin growth hormone therapy. The aim is to reverse the negative effects of aging and secure the extensive treatment benefits listed below. […]

 Let’s talk about progesterone for women. Until recently, only commercial testosterone products containing synthetic methyltestosterone were available.  These products came in dosages designed exclusively for men. However, current research unequivocally demonstrates that testosterone also plays a critical role in women’s health.  Due to this newfound understanding and its growing popularity, pharmaceutical companies and compounding pharmacies are rushing […]

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