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Testosterone Treatment

Testosterone Treatment in CORE Medical Group


Low testosterone levels put men at high risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and early death. However, new studies suggest that testosterone Treatment therapy may help better the odds.

Some experts believe that age causes low testosterone levels to become more common and links to several health conditions.

These include loss of bone and muscle mass, depression, and decreased libido.  Also, the most important metabolic syndrome. A cluster of risk factors that increase the chances of developing heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.


Studies Highlight


The studies expect to be presents at The Endocrine Society’s annual meeting. Held in San Francisco. It suggests that therapy to raise testosterone back to normal levels. It also may have several positive effects.

One study showed that testosterone treatment significantly reduced abdominal fat. Additionally, it also reduces total cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, triglycerides, and body mass index (a measure of body fat). It also helped raise HDL (“good”) cholesterol.


Elderly Men Benefit from Testosterone Treatment


Researchers in a second study found that men older than 63 benefited as much as younger men.

“We conclude that if elderly men have a deficiency of testosterone, it is worthwhile to treat them with testosterone,” co-author of both studies, Farid Saad of Berlin-headquartered Bayer Schering Pharma — a drug company that makes a form of testosterone therapy — said in a prepared interview.

A third study added to previous evidence that low testosterone increases one’s chance of early death from any cause in the long run.

In the study, funded in part by drug maker Novo Nordisc, researchers looked the causes of death in almost 2,000 German men aged 20 to 79 years. The men with low testosterone at the start of study, which had an average follow up period of 7 years, had a more than 2.5 times greater risk of dying during the next 10 years compared with men with higher testosterone.

Haring says these men tend to be older, fatter, and had a greater prevalence of diabetes. Also high blood pressure than the men with higher testosterone levels.

Researcher author Robin Haring, a Ph.D. student from Ernst-Moritz-Arndt. The University of Greifswald, Institute for Community Medicine, stated that age, smoking, alcohol intake, level of physical activity, or increased waist circumference (a risk factor for diabetes and heart disease) did not explain this difference.

Low testosterone levels predicted an increased risk of death. It is from cardiovascular disease and cancer. However no death of any other single cause, the study found.


Do You Have Questions About Testosterone Treatment?


Contact Core Medical Group in Boca Raton – FL! 

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